Forged Engine build completed out of the vehicle. This option allows for fully removing and rebuilding the short motor and/or long motor to ensure a comprehensive build.
Forged Engine Build - (Engine Removed)
Forged Engine build completed out of the vehicle. This option allows us to fully check and measure ever component following a full decontamination and degreasing of each individual component.
Parts included:
Cylinder Head Bolts, Genuine Headgasket, Genuine Solenoid O-Rings, Genuine Rocker O-Rings, Genuine Camshaft Seals, Precision Cut Shims, Connecting Rods inc ARP Bolts, Pistons & Rings, Race Big End Bearings, Mains Bearings, New Genuine Crankshaft, Genuine Timing Belt Kit, Genuine Auxillary Belts, Genuine Sump O-Rings and Anaerobic Sealant. In additon we include all seals to the oil feed and return from the turbocharger, seals to the water pump and the oil pump, plus the crankshaft output seal.
Our Process:
Long Motor/Engine is fully removed from the engine bay, stripped and disassembled. All components are removed and decontaminated/degreased.
Engine block is measured (bores) and honed, if necessary boring and honing can be offered at addtional cost. The crankshaft is replaced for a New Genuine Item.
The engine is fully rebuilt using only the best rebuild lubricant (Millers), all rings are gapped and checked. Should you select a standard build then the cylinder head is checked for 'bend' and if necessary re-finished, alternatively you can select a refresh, camshafts or even porting and polishing from our drop down menu to the right. Millers Competition Running-In Oil is used, followed by another oil change before completing 1000 miles. This can be done by our Technicians with the customer covering fuel costs ONLY.
Upon completion you will require a further inspection and oil change, generally allow £200 for this service depending on specification/grade and manufacturer - we recommend using Millers CFS or Nano+.
Please see our drop down list to the right hand side to select additional parts and services, should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 01978 758598.
Specific References