Suitable for vehicles without running issues, or with cracked ring lands.
This package offers drivers the opportunity to upgrade from standard internals to Forged Rods and Pistons.
Forged Engine Build - In Situ (Drop In)
Compleetd in situ, with the engine remaining in the bay, this installation is suitable for vehicles that have no issues or where the vehicle has suffered ring land/piston failure WITHOUT damaging the cylinder bore.
Parts included:
Cylinder Head Bolts, Genuine Headgasket, Genuine Solenoid O-Rings, Genuine Rocker O-Rings, Genuine Camshaft Seals, Precision Cut Shims, Connecting Rods & ARP Bolts, Pistons & Rings, Race Big End Bearings, Genuine Timing Belt Kit, Genuine Auxillary Belts, Genuine Sump O-Rings and Anaerobic Sealant.
Our Process:
Cylinder head is removed and fully degreased in preparation regardless of whether you select a head refurbishment, upgraded camshafts or porting & polishing. Sump is completely removed, cleaned and degreased ready for reinstallation.
Engine cylinder bores are checked and de-glazed prior to the installation of the new components, ring gaps are checked (please be aware we cannot re-size or bore with the engine in situ). We also check the cylinder head for "bend" / "warping". Cleaned components are reinstalled and a minimum of 200 miles completed as "testing".
Please see our drop down list to the right hand side to select additional parts and services, should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 01978 758598.
Specific References